“World we want” is an eTwinning project that aims to use different free resources such as Scratch for Second Life and edMondo, an online 3D virtual world, and many others, where you can make teaching immersive, all in workshop mode.
The coding can be implemented to create games, simulations, but also to achieve remote collaborations between schools. Students will use online labs for experiments, they can learn, share their experience, work, resources and knowledge as well as common interests.
The coding can be implemented to create games, simulations, but also to achieve remote collaborations between schools. Students will use online labs for experiments, they can learn, share their experience, work, resources and knowledge as well as common interests.
Meeting online in the 3D virtual world edMondo between eTwinning partners (italian and serbian) to celebrate STEM Discovery Week 2018! #Scientix
Meeting to work together, to make friends and share experiences and knowledge
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