martedì 24 aprile 2018

STEM Careers

STEM Careers: videoconferences and activities for students 

 IIS "Marconi Guarasci" ITE 

Sistemi Informativi Aziendali 

Rogliano (Cs)-Italy

Link al nostro ILS "Imprenditori si diventa":

-Videoconferenza con il prof. Francesco Calimeri docente d'Intelligenza Artificiale presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica per l'orientamento in uscita riguardo l'importanza di una adeguata cultura di base sulle discipline STEM per le nuove generazioni, sulle nuove frontiere della ricerca e sulle possibili carriere STEM

-Videoconference with the prof. Francesco Calimeri, professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for outgoing guidance on the importance of an adequate basic culture on the STEM disciplines for the new generations, on the new frontiers of research and on possible STEM careers.

-Seminario in presenza sulle reti di computer tenuto dall'Ing. Francesco Macchione, dip. dell'azienda Sintegra srl, azienda madrina per l'Alternanza Scuola Lavoro delle classi ITE

- Seminar on computer networks held by Ing. Francesco Macchione, Dep. of the Sintegra srl ​​company, company for the Alternation School Job of the ITE classes.

-Videoconferenza con l'imprenditore Dr. Vincenzo Masi - CEO & Founder presso Sintegra srl, precedentemente presso Cerved Group Spa per discutere della possibilità d'impiego presso aziende informatiche e sugli sbocchi occupazionali offerti dalle STEM 

-Videoconference with the entrepreneur Dr. Vincenzo Masi - CEO & amp; Founder at Sintegra srl, previously at Cerved Group Spa to discuss the possibility of employment in IT companies and on job opportunities offered by STEM careers.

-Qualche giorno fa gli studenti hanno partecipato al workshop "Guadagnare col web" a Cosenza un'iniziativa con Salvatore Aranzulla, Clickio e Starbytes organizzata da La legge per tutti

-Some days ago the students participated in the workshop "Earning with the web" in Cosenza an initiative with Salvatore Aranzulla, Clickio and Starbytes

lunedì 23 aprile 2018

STEM Discovery Week 2018

“World we want” is an eTwinning project that aims to use different free resources such as Scratch for Second Life and edMondo, an online 3D virtual world, and many others, where you can make teaching immersive, all in workshop mode.
The coding can be implemented to create games, simulations, but also to achieve remote collaborations between schools. Students will use online labs for experiments, they can learn, share their experience, work, resources and knowledge as well as common interests.

Meeting online in the 3D virtual world edMondo between eTwinning partners (italian and serbian) to celebrate STEM Discovery Week 2018! #Scientix

Meeting to work together, to make friends and share experiences and knowledge