Happy PI Day 2017!
A party to study mathematics, learning how to use new technologies, make coding experience, organizing a cultural event, to have fun, meet, share, give space to creativity and inclusion, because everyone has something to give to others and together they learn better and live better!
Clicca qui per vedere lo slidely con le foto delle classi III e IV ITE SIA
che hanno festeggiato il giorno del Pi-greco in Edmondo con i partners della Serbia
che hanno festeggiato il giorno del Pi-greco in Edmondo con i partners della Serbia
Click here to see the slidely with photosof classes III and IV ITE SIA who celebrated the day of Pi-greek in Edmondo with Serbian eTwinner partners
Work in progress in the previous days...
Calcolo di pi-greco col metodo di esaustione di Archimede
The calculation of pi-greek with the method of exhaustion of Archimedes
... but were also made researches the Internet, they were prepared billboards, sweet and scripts to celebrate in the presence and virtually in Edmondo!
... but were also made researches the Internet, they were prepared billboards, sweet and scripts to celebrate in the presence and virtually in Edmondo!
//script che calcola la lunghezza di una circonferenza di raggio fissato
// Script that calculates the length of a circumference of fixed radius
// Script that calculates the length of a circumference of fixed radius
// script for Pi day 2017 by ITE Rogliano (Cs)
touch_start(integer count)
llSay(0, "Happy PI DAY 2017!");
llSay(0, "This script calculates the length of a circumference");
llOwnerSay("Type in chat the length of the radius");
llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), "");
listen(integer _chan, string _str, key _id, string _msg)
float number=(float)_msg;
float c=2*3.14*number;
llOwnerSay("The length of the circumference of radius " + (string)number + " is " + (string)c);
//Script for PI DAY By ITE Rogliano (Cs)
//to rez a circumference
//insert in the content of rezzer an object temporary named nuvola
//si inserisce una nuvola temporanea con le particelle, la rezza a forma di Circonferenza
plot(vector x)
string modo="rez";
vector calcolapos(integer angle)
float rad=DEG_TO_RAD*angle;
return (4*llCos(rad)*u+4*llSin(rad)*(v)+center);
vector u; vector v;
vector center;
integer angle;
touch_start(integer total_number)
llSetText("Clic to rez \na circumference", <0>,1); 0>
// metodo con il timer
vector pos=calcolapos(angle);
if(angle>360) llSetTimerEvent(0);
Author: Rosa Marincola