sabato 28 ottobre 2017

Global Junior Challenge

Global Junior Challenge

Il progetto eTwinning della Prof.ssa Rosa Marincola "Perfect - Edmondo Fab Coding Scratch" dell'IIS "Marconi-Guarasci" ITE, Rogliano (CS), è stato selezionato da una giuria internazionale di 36 giurati tra i finalisti al prestigioso premio. La stessa, invitata a partecipare, ho avuto l'onore, la soddisfazione e l'emozione di rappresentare la scuola e il lavoro di ogni giorno presso il Museo civico di zoologia e le Biblioteche di Roma, nonché di partecipare alla splendida manifestazione nella Sala Giulio Cesare del Palazzo Senatorio in Campidoglio

sabato 14 ottobre 2017

Progetto eTwinning Explore Scratch-CodeWeek2017

Le classi I - II - III A Sistemi informativi Aziendali - Istituto Tecnico Economico - Rogliano -Cosenza - Italy

Docente: Prof.ssa Rosa Marincola

Explore Scratch

A proposito del progetto

During this project the schools from different countries will exchange ideas on teaching programming in primary education. The main idea of this project is to introduce our students into the world of coding in an attractive way and encourage their creativity. By working on tasks related to various topics, we will try to show our students that coding can be a fun and enjoyable experience. We want our students to develop and grow by using skills of computer-thinking, logical reasoning and problem solving. In this project our students will express their ideas creatively by making animations, animated stories and games. Topics would be related to our schools, places where we live and our countries. Teachers and students will collaborate and exchange experiences, and each partner school will report regularly on their progress via TwinSpace.


The main aim of the project is to motivate our students in coding and stimulate them to continue their education in the areas of information technology, especially programming. We will try to achieve this goal by using Scratch, the visual programming language which is attractive, encourages students to think and express ideas and enables them to understand the programming logic without introducing syntax and programming language rules. Furthermore, the aims of the project are to develop key competences of our students, especially communication in foreign languages and digital competence. Students will develop these competences by actively participating in TwinSpace. Our aim is also to enable students to use information and communication technology in a positive, safe and creative way.


This project will last the entire school year, with activities related to international coding events such as European Code Week, Computer Science Education Week, Hour of Code and Scratch Day. The work is going to be divided into several tasks:

October: participating in the EU Code Week (creating animations with the names of our countries, places where we live, flags…);

November - December: creating short animated stories about our schools and places where we live; participating in Hour of Code; creating animated New Year cards for partners;

January – April: creating games;

May: participating in Scratch Day; voting for the best game;

June: the final presentation of the project and the evaluation of the project.


All activities will be documented by publishing on TwinSpace. Through this project, students should develop key competences such as communication in foreign languages and digital competence and understand the basic programming concepts. The final results are Scratch projects and studios with students’ projects.

Link al twinspace

Articolo sulla newsletter eTwinning n.8 sul progetto in edMondo a pag. 84